Cassadaga Healing Center

Psychic medium Spiritualist Healing

Cassadaga Florida Psychic - Medium - Healing Center & Native American Chapter

Psychic Services In-Person or by Phone are offerings of $35 for 15 minutes, $60 per half hour, and $100 per hour in Cassadaga Florida

For more information or an appointment call (407) 417-1679

Links and Other Services                     A metapsychial book store where classes and workshops are held          A metapsychial book store where classes and workshops are held                The website of the Nemenhah Native American Band                   The site for the Barefeet Native American Lodge in Cassadaga Florida
www.certifiedinsurancebilling           Amy Hindel Massage Therapy specialist practicing in Orlando and Cassadaga Florida
www.         A site dedicated to connecting people with alternative healing modalities and practitioners   Mind Body Sprit Directory of Orlando