Cassadaga Healing Center

Psychic medium Spiritualist Healing

Cassadaga Florida Psychic - Medium - Healing Center & Native American Chapter

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This Weeks Question

So the question presented to me today is about spirits, and this persons Uncle.  She asked why her Uncle comes around her, when she really didn't know him before he died.  Why does her Uncle appear to her as he was during the war.  She asks "is he stuck in time?  Where is he really?"

 I replied maybe it's because you feel your Uncle around you, and you feel his feelings.  Or maybe he is just trying to get you to recognize that he is around you.  What a better way for him to express himself to you.  This is the memory you have of him.  "Dying in the war when you were a little girl".

Think of this scenario,
There many levels to God's creation.  The entire universe, and many more universes, and dimensions, that we do not see.  Not everything is three dimensional.    There are many levels and heavens as well.  Think of it as a University or a College.   Some people are in the Advanced Chemistry class others are in Pottery 101.  The people in pottery101 don't walk into the Chemistry Lab and take the final exam most would fail, or they just don't care to be there.  The chemistry student usually won't be a very good artist and generally can't paint a lick.  An example in my life is:  I don't hang out in gangs anymore, as in my youth.  I don't choose to.   So we go, where we want to go, change when we want to change.  There are no pearly gates because,  there are no gates.  You go where you feel like.  Every place is the right place for you, and you are not confined to it.  When you are sick of the place you are in, you can leave and go somewhere else.  So I use the term "as above so below",  "as on earth. so in the rest of universe.  We have free will here on the earth plane and so we have free will in the other dimensions or existences ".  Some places are dark, some light, some grey.  God gave us free will on earth.  Why would this free will thing, not take place in all the other realms of existence.  (free will in every realm! What a concept!).  On earth no one is stopping me from going into the Chemistry lab.  I just don't choose to be there, because it's, just not me.  So if  I am a thief  I hang out with thieves.  If I shoot up drugs I hang out with people who use drugs.  If I am a priest I hang out in churches, not in bars, generally speaking.  A priest can become a thief, a drunk can become sober.  The priest can become a drug addict.  The possibilities go on and on, and there is no right or wrong in the big picture.   Some go to the light, and others do not.   God created the light and the dark.  He created the heavens and we created the hells, but remember there are no gates.  You always have the chance to move in another direction.  After all Satan was a fallen angel.  Well in God's realm there is not time or space.  Everything exists at the same time and for that matter the same space.  Only in this dimension we know time as ever going forward.  But actually if there is really no time or space then this is all an illusion.
Think of Poltergeist the movie Tanginia the psychic lady tries to get the spirits to go into the light.  Yes, the spirits in the movie died in the 1800's but, how long ago was that really?  Maybe to the spirits it felt like just a moment.  Maybe they lingered on for a little while before entering into the light or their next existence.  Who said they had to go into the light maybe they wanted to hang around for a little while.   We all have a spirit inside of us, therefore we are spirits trapped in a body.  Why?  Well I think that we are in a body to learn a lesson, the lesson is to learn how to love, learn what pain is, learn compassion, truth, fear, it goes on and on.  So why are we learning this?  Well I think that God wants us to ascend to a higher level maybe you can be a mother to a planet and take care of it.  While the ones living on the planet, are learning just like you learned when you where on a planet.  So they in turn become evolved like you taking care of a planet.  Do you think that this planet is self sufficient without some divine intervention?   Is the universe ever expanding?  Yes it is.  We have scientifically proven that.  Well, I know higher beings are taking care of the universe and  multiple dimensions.  I have seen this and know it to be true.  God wants us to become like him to help him take care of the universes and all the dimensions (Your Uncle who died in Vietnam is in another dimension).  After all God is the Universe, and guess what!  We are part of it as well.  Didn't God create us in his image?  Aren't we part of God?  Isn't everything part of God?.  Yes definitely!!   So God is in us and all around us. (I know this to be true)  He is everywhere he is everything, and we are him, or her.
Actually there is not sex in a spirit.  Only a body has a sex.   So getting back to your Uncle.  With all of this in mind.  You can be seeing your Uncle as he was, or as he will be, or as he is existing in another dimension currently.  But there is no time, just don't think about time, and then what I am saying, makes all the sense in the world, or should I say, sense in the universe.  Now look back at the sentence where I just used with the word "currently".  There is no currently.  You can feel your Uncle in any time he existed or space or dimension, and he chooses to reveal himself to you so you can understand what is really going on, or maybe he is popping in
just to say hi I am still here.  Don't let the illusion get to you. 

 I believe you are right when you said "there are no accidents in this world."  We were meant to talk today.   As well a lady in New York city today was meant to get her purse stolen, and the man steeling it was meant to steal it.  We all learned something today in every moment to make us evolve into better Gods.  The man needs to learn compassion for his harmless fellow human being (the helpless lady victim)  The lady victim needed to learn what is feels like to be a victim, because in another existence maybe she was the purse snatcher.  Maybe you needed to hear from me so you can start thinking about all of this, and I needed to think this up because I am going to use this letter in my next class as an example of, (The Universe According to Peter).  I never realized I had all the answers inside of me, Or at least I think I have all the answers.  Hummm.  Maybe Peter doesn't have all the answers just ideas.

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